Source code for pytest_benchmark.hookspec

import pytest

[docs]@pytest.hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_benchmark_scale_unit(config, unit, benchmarks, best, worst, sort): """ To have custom time scaling do something like this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_scale_unit(config, unit, benchmarks, best, worst, sort): if unit == 'seconds': prefix = '' scale = 1.0 elif unit == 'operations': prefix = 'K' scale = 0.001 else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected measurement unit %r" % unit) return prefix, scale """ pass
[docs]@pytest.hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_benchmark_generate_machine_info(config): """ To completely replace the generated machine_info do something like this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_generate_machine_info(config): return {'user': getpass.getuser()} """ pass
[docs]def pytest_benchmark_update_machine_info(config, machine_info): """ If benchmarks are compared and machine_info is different then warnings will be shown. To add the current user to the commit info override the hook in your like this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_update_machine_info(config, machine_info): machine_info['user'] = getpass.getuser() """ pass
[docs]@pytest.hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_benchmark_generate_commit_info(config): """ To completely replace the generated commit_info do something like this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_generate_commit_info(config): return {'id': subprocess.check_output(['svnversion']).strip()} """ pass
[docs]def pytest_benchmark_update_commit_info(config, commit_info): """ To add something into the commit_info, like the commit message do something like this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_update_commit_info(config, commit_info): commit_info['message'] = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%B']).strip() """ pass
[docs]@pytest.hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_benchmark_group_stats(config, benchmarks, group_by): """ You may perform grouping customization here, in case the builtin grouping doesn't suit you. Example: .. sourcecode:: python @pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_benchmark_group_stats(config, benchmarks, group_by): outcome = yield if group_by == "special": # when you use --benchmark-group-by=special result = defaultdict(list) for bench in benchmarks: # `bench.special` doesn't exist, replace with whatever you need result[bench.special].append(bench) outcome.force_result(result.items()) """ pass
[docs]@pytest.hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_benchmark_generate_json(config, benchmarks, include_data, machine_info, commit_info): """ You should read pytest-benchmark's code if you really need to wholly customize the json. .. warning:: Improperly customizing this may cause breakage if ``--benchmark-compare`` or ``--benchmark-histogram`` are used. By default, ``pytest_benchmark_generate_json`` strips benchmarks that have errors from the output. To prevent this, implement the hook like this: .. sourcecode:: python @pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_benchmark_generate_json(config, benchmarks, include_data, machine_info, commit_info): for bench in benchmarks: bench.has_error = False yield """ pass
[docs]def pytest_benchmark_update_json(config, benchmarks, output_json): """ Use this to add custom fields in the output JSON. Example: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_update_json(config, benchmarks, output_json): output_json['foo'] = 'bar' """ pass
[docs]def pytest_benchmark_compare_machine_info(config, benchmarksession, machine_info, compared_benchmark): """ You may want to use this hook to implement custom checks or abort execution. ``pytest-benchmark`` builtin hook does this: .. sourcecode:: python def pytest_benchmark_compare_machine_info(config, benchmarksession, machine_info, compared_benchmark): if compared_benchmark["machine_info"] != machine_info: benchmarksession.logger.warn( "Benchmark machine_info is different. Current: %s VS saved: %s." % ( format_dict(machine_info), format_dict(compared_benchmark["machine_info"]), ) ) """ pass