
This plugin provides a benchmark fixture. This fixture is a callable object that will benchmark any function passed to it.


def something(duration=0.000001):
    Function that needs some serious benchmarking.
    # You may return anything you want, like the result of a computation
    return 123

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    # benchmark something
    result = benchmark(something)

    # Extra code, to verify that the run completed correctly.
    # Sometimes you may want to check the result, fast functions
    # are no good if they return incorrect results :-)
    assert result == 123

You can also pass extra arguments:

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    benchmark(time.sleep, 0.02)

Or even keyword arguments:

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    benchmark(time.sleep, duration=0.02)

Another pattern seen in the wild, that is not recommended for micro-benchmarks (very fast code) but may be convenient:

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    def something():  # unnecessary function call

A better way is to just benchmark the final function:

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    benchmark(time.sleep, 0.000001)  # way more accurate results!

If you need to do fine control over how the benchmark is run (like a setup function, exact control of iterations and rounds) there’s a special mode - pedantic:

def my_special_setup():

def test_with_setup(benchmark):
    benchmark.pedantic(something, setup=my_special_setup, args=(1, 2, 3), kwargs={'foo': 'bar'}, iterations=10, rounds=100)

Commandline options

py.test command-line options:

 Minimum time per round in seconds. Default: ‘0.000005’
 Maximum run time per test - it will be repeated until this total time is reached. It may be exceeded if test function is very slow or –benchmark-min-rounds is large (it takes precedence). Default: ‘1.0’
 Minimum rounds, even if total time would exceed –max-time. Default: 5
 Column to sort on. Can be one of: ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘mean’ or ‘stddev’. Default: ‘min’
 How to group tests. Can be one of: ‘group’, ‘name’, ‘fullname’, ‘func’, ‘fullfunc’ or ‘param’. Default: ‘group’
 Timer to use when measuring time. Default: ‘time.perf_counter’
 Precision to use when calibrating number of iterations. Precision of 10 will make the timer look 10 times more accurate, at a cost of less precise measure of deviations. Default: 10
 Activates warmup. Will run the test function up to number of times in the calibration phase. See –benchmark-warmup-iterations. Note: Even the warmup phase obeys –benchmark-max-time. Available KIND: ‘auto’, ‘off’, ‘on’. Default: ‘auto’ (automatically activate on PyPy).
 Max number of iterations to run in the warmup phase. Default: 100000
 Dump diagnostic and progress information.
 Disable GC during benchmarks.
 Skip running any benchmarks.
 Only run benchmarks.
 Save the current run into ‘STORAGE-PATH/counter- NAME.json’. Default: ‘<commitid>_<date>_<time>_<isdirty>’, example: ‘e689af57e7439b9005749d806248897ad550eab5_20150811_041632_uncommitted-changes’.
 Autosave the current run into ‘STORAGE-PATH/<counter>_<commitid>_<date>_<time>_<isdirty>’, example: ‘STORAGE-PATH/0123_525685bcd6a51d1ade0be75e2892e713e02dfd19_20151028_221708_uncommitted-changes.json’
 Use this to make –benchmark-save and –benchmark- autosave include all the timing data, not just the stats.
 Compare the current run against run NUM or the latest saved run if unspecified.
 Fail test if performance regresses according to given EXPR (eg: min:5% or mean:0.001 for number of seconds). Can be used multiple times.
 Specify a different path to store the runs (when –benchmark-save or –benchmark-autosave are used). Default: ‘./.benchmarks/<os>-<pyimplementation>-<pyversion>-<arch>bit’, example: ‘Linux-CPython-2.7-64bit’.
 Plot graphs of min/max/avg/stddev over time in FILENAME-PREFIX-test_name.svg. If FILENAME-PREFIX contains slashes (‘/’) then directories will be created. Default: ‘benchmark_<date>_<time>’, example: ‘benchmark_20150811_041632’.
 Dump a JSON report into PATH. Note that this will include the complete data (all the timings, not just the stats).


You can set per-test options with the benchmark marker:

def test_my_stuff(benchmark):
    def result():
        # Code to be measured
        return time.sleep(0.000001)

    # Extra code, to verify that the run
    # completed correctly.
    # Note: this code is not measured.
    assert result is None

Patch utilities

Suppose you want to benchmark an internal function from a class:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, arg=0.01):
        self.arg = arg

    def run(self):

    def internal(self, duration):

With the benchmark fixture this is quite hard to test if you don’t control the Foo code or it has very complicated construction.

For this there’s an experimental benchmark_weave fixture that can patch stuff using aspectlib (make sure you pip install aspectlib or pip install pytest-benchmark[aspect]):

def test_foo(benchmark):
    benchmark.weave(Foo.internal, lazy=True):
    f = Foo()